Parasite and Inside Job have constant abilities. The damage ability on Chum is constant. Dirty Laundry has a conditional ability.
I'm unclear if the following have constant or conditional abilities:
Parasite: "Host ice ... is trashed if its strength is 0 or less." Constant ability, or conditional with trigger condition "host ice has strength 0 or less"?
Inside Job: "Bypass the first piece of ice encountered during this run." Constant ability, or conditional with trigger condition "when you encounter the first piece of ice during this run"?
Chum: "Do 3 net damage unless the Runner breaks all subroutines on that piece of ice." Constant ability, or conditional with trigger condition "when a subroutine resolves during the encounter with the next piece of ice, or when the encounter with the next piece of ice ends, or when the run ends during an encounter with the next piece of ice."
Dirty Laundry: "After the run is completed, gain 5 if it was successful." Constant ability, or conditional ability with trigger condition "the run ends."
Parasite: “Host ice has -1 strength” is a constant ability.
Inside Job: Constant ability. Chum: Constant ability. Dirty Laundry: Conditional ability that resolves when the run ends. |
This ruling brings into doubt whether or not Chum's damage is a constant or conditional ability. The Abilities Explanation Ruling implies that it is conditional while this says otherwise.
Posted to BoardGameGeek by Harris Enniss on April 19, 2015. Received in September 2014.