Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki

The action phase is the main phase of either player's turn, during which s/he takes actions by spending Click. On a player's turn, s/he may take any actions in any combination until s/he has spent all of his/her clicks. The Corporation has ClickClickClick to spend on his/her turn, while the Runner has ClickClickClickClick to spend on his/her turn. A player must always spend all of his/her actions each action phase.

Before and after taking each action, there is a paid ability window. After spending a click to begin an action, no other actions or abilities can be used until that action finishes resolving.

Corporation Action Phase[]

Related Rules: Corporation Actions

Page 12, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 3, Core Rule Book
In his Action phase, the Corporation takes actions by spending ClickClickClick. He can only take actions during his Action phase, and he must spend all three of his clicks during his Action phase.
Page 12, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 5-6, Core Rule Book
Whenever the Corporation spends clicks on one of these actions, he is considered to be taking an action and cannot take another action until the current action fully resolves.

When the Corporation has spent all of his clicks, his Action phase ends and his Discard phase begins.

Runner Action Phase[]

Related Rules: Runner Actions

Page 15, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 4, Core Rule Book
In his Action phase, the Runner takes actions by spending ClickClickClickClick. He can only take actions during his Action phase, and he must spend all four of his clicks during his Action phase.
Page 15, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 6-7, Core Rule Book
Whenever the Runner spends clicks on one of these actions, he is considered to be taking an action and cannot take another action until the current action fully resolves.

When the Runner has spent all of his clicks, his Action phase ends and his Discard phase begins.
