Modifiers to agenda point values should always be taken into consideration when resolving abilities and effects.
I have another set of questions for you related to agendas and agenda points.
The cards in question are Human First, Punitive Counterstrike, The Board, and agendas like Project Beale that can have variable agenda point values.
Scenario 1
The Runner has Human First installed. The Corporation scores a Beale with 5 advancement counters on it. Both Beale and Human First have conditional abilities on them triggering off the score. It's the Corp's turn, so Beale goes first, placing 1 agenda counter on itself. Then Human First triggers.
Does the Runner gain:
- A) 2 credits because that's the number of agenda points printed on Project Beale
- B) 3 credits because Project Beale has a constant ability increasing its point value by 1
Scenario 2
The Corp has The Board installed and rezzed. The Runner has Human First installed. She runs and steals a Project Beale.
Does the Runner gain:
- A) 2 credits because that's the number of agenda points printed on Project Beale
- B) 1 credit because The Board has a constant ability reducing reducing Beale's point value by 1
Scenario 3
The Corp has The Board installed and rezzed. The Runner runs and steals Project Beale. On his next turn, the Corp plays Punitive Counterstrike.
Does Counterstrike do:
- A) 2 meat damage because that's the number of agenda points printed on Project Beale
- B) 1 meat damage because The Board has a constant ability reducing Beale's point value by 1
The crux of these scenarios is essentially the same question: does "agenda points on agendas" refer to the printed value that an agenda has or the actual point value of the agenda at the time of resolution of the ability in question. Based on the "cost formulas" ruling and FAQ entry, I assume that B is the answer to all the questions, but inquiring minds would like to know!
Runner steals Beale. Next turn, Corp rezzes The Board, then plays Punitive. Still 1 damage?
You are correct that the answer is B in all scenarios; modifiers should always be taken into account when resolving card abilities. Followup |
Original question submitted by Jacob Morris on February 19, 2015.