This is the thirteenth in a series of unofficial FAQs released with each new data pack. Below are rulings from the ANCUR staff regarding some of the cards in Daedalus Complex, as approved by the lead designer Michael Boggs.
Pushing the Envelope[]
1. If the Runner draws cards so they have 3 or more in grip during the run initiated by Pushing the Envelope, do installed icebreakers lose the +2 strength?
2. If the Runner installs another icebreaker during a run initiated by Pushing the Envelope (e.g. Paperclip from heap), does it have +2 strength?
No. Pushing the Envelope’s effect occurs when the event is played, so only icebreakers installed at that time will get the strength boost. |
3. Does Maw trigger when the Runner accesses but does not trash an upgrade installed in the root of Archives?
4. If the Runner uses Salsettes Slums to remove a trashed card from the game, does Maw trigger?
5. How does Maw work if the Runner accesses more than one card from HQ during a single access step (e.g. through Legwork)?
Bio-Modeled Network[]
6. Can the Runner prevent all of the first instance of net damage in a turn using both Net Shield and Bio-Modeled Network?
Yes. The Runner can trash Bio-Modeled Network, preventing all but the first damage, then pay 1 using Net Shield to prevent that damage. |
NEXT Wave 2[]
7. Can the Corp use Bifrost Array or 24/7 News Cycle to trigger the ability on NEXT Wave 2?
No, NEXT Wave 2 does not have an explicit “when scored” ability on it because its ability has an additional condition. |
8. Does Kakugo trigger if it is trashed during an encounter?
No. The encounter ends immediately when Kakugo is trashed, but then it is no longer active and thus its ability cannot trigger. |
9. How long does the effect of the second trace on SYNC BRE last?
10. If SYNC BRE’s second trace resolves during a run on Archives, how will the access step be affected?
11. If SYNC BRE’s second trace resolves during a run on a remote server, how will the access step be affected? What if there are multiple cards installed in the server?
12. If SYNC BRE’s second trace resolves during a run on a central server that has upgrades installed in its root, how will the access step be affected?
13. If SYNC BRE’s second trace resolves during a run initiated by Information Sifting, how is the access step resolved?
Jemison Astronautics[]
14. Can the Corp place the advancement tokens from the ability on Jemison Astronautics onto multiple cards?
15. If the Corp, playing as Jemison Astronautics, forfeits Hostile Takeover hosting Political Graffiti, how many advancement tokens do they place on a card?
The Corp places 1 advancement token on a card, 1 for the ability and no additional tokens because the Hostile Takeover was worth 0 agenda points when it was forfeited. |
16. If the Corp forfeits a card that becomes an agenda, such as “Clones are Not People”, how many advancement tokens can Jemison place on a card?
The Corp places 2 advancement tokens on the card, 1 for the ability and an additional 1 for the agenda point “Clones are Not People” was worth. |
Quarantine System[]
17. The Corp, playing Jemison Astronautics, uses Quarantine System to forfeit a Hostile Takeover. What is the exact order of operations, and how much discount does the Corp receive for rezzing an Asteroid Belt?
18. If the Corp forfeits a card that becomes an agenda for Quarantine System, such as “Clones are Not People”, how much is the discount for rezzing the ice?
The rez cost of the three pieces of ice will not be lowered by any amount, as cards that are turned into agendas do not have any agenda points printed on them. |