Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki

This is the twentieth in a series of unofficial FAQs released with each new data pack. Below are rulings from the ANCUR staff regarding some of the cards in Down the White Nile, as approved by the lead designer Michael Boggs.

Updates: Best Defense[]

Can Best Defense trash facedown Runner cards?

No. Facedown Runner cards do not have install costs.


Can the Runner prevent Acacia from being trashed and still gain the credits?


Credit Kiting[]

Can the Runner avoid the tag from Credit Kiting and still install a card?


Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker[]

If the Runner plays Scavenge to trash and reinstall the program installed with Kabonesa Wu, do they still have to remove that program from the game at the end of the turn?

No. After the program is uninstalled, it is considered a new copy of that card.

If the Runner uses Kabonesa Wu to find and install a Chameleon, what happens at the end of the turn?

Both Chameleon's ability and the delayed conditional ability created by Wu meet their trigger conditions at the same time. Since the Runner controls both abilities, they can choose the order in which to trigger them. Once Chameleon is uninstalled by either ability, the other ability will not be able to find it anymore. Thus, the Runner can choose whether to add Chameleon to the grip or to remove it from the game.

Emergent Creativity[]

Can the Runner trash a mix of programs and hardware to Emergent Creativity?


Designer's Note: Errata will change "or" to "and/or" in the next FAQ.

RNG Key[]

Does RNG Key trigger once for the first successful run on each of HQ and R&D, or does it trigger once the first time the Runner makes a successful run on either HQ or R&D?

RNG Key triggers a maximum of once per turn, when the Runner makes a successful run on either HQ or R&D.


If a subroutine on Nightdancer resolves while the Runner has no to lose, does the Corp still gain an additional on their next turn?


Jinja City Grid[]

If the Corp plays Anonymous Tip, do they draw all the cards at once and then decide which ice to install with Jinja City Grid, or do they draw the cards one at a time and decide as ice is drawn whether or not to install any of those ice?

Drawing multiple cards at once is a batch effect. The Corp draws all three cards, then Jinja City Grid meets its trigger condition simultaneously for each drawn piece of ice. The Corp decides the order in which to trigger the instances of Jinja City Grid's ability, and thus the order in which to install the drawn ice.

If the Runner initiates a run on a server with Jinja City Grid and the Corp has a scored Advanced Concept Hopper, will the Runner approach an ice drawn with Advanced Concept Hopper and installed with Jinja City Grid?

Yes. Advanced Concept Hopper meets its trigger condition at step 1 of the run, so by the time the Runner begins approaching ice in step 2, the newly installed piece of ice will be the outermost piece.

If the Corp has both Jinja City Grid and Daily Business Show rezzed, and they draw two pieces of ice, can they install both pieces of ice and avoid putting one on the bottom of R&D?

No. The game still knows that those were the two cards drawn with Daily Business Show, so the Corp must put one of the installed pieces of ice on the bottom of R&D.

Bacterial Programming[]

If the Runner steals Bacterial Programming from R&D with accesses remaining, what happens if the Corp uses the ability on Bacterial Programming?

The Runner continues accessing cards from R&D as normal, starting with whatever card is now on top of R&D, and proceeding down through as many cards as they have accesses remaining.

If the Runner steals Bacterial Programming from HQ with accesses remaining, what happens if the Corp uses the ability on Bacterial Programming to add any cards to HQ?

The Corp randomizes any cards added to HQ together with the remaining unaccessed cards in HQ, then the Runner continues the accesses as normal. Note that cards entering HQ cannot change the total number of accesses the Runner has.

If the Runner steals Bacterial Programming from Archives, what happens if the Corp uses the ability on Bacterial Programming to trash any cards?

The cards trashed by Bacterial Programming enter Archives facedown, and they will not be turned faceup during this access phase. The Runner can choose to access those facedown cards if they still have accesses remaining, returning any accessed facedown cards to Archives facedown when the access phase ends, but the total number of cards the Runner accesses does not change. Thus, if Bacterial Programming is the last card the Runner chooses to access from Archives, they will not be able to access any of the facedown cards; if Bacterial Programming is not the last card the Runner chooses to access from Archives, they will not access every card in Archives.


What happens if Jua's subroutine resolves while the RUnner only has one installed card?

The Corp cannot choose 2 installed cards, so nothing is added to the top of the stack.
