This is the ninth in a series of unofficial FAQs released with each new data pack. Below are rulings from the ANCUR staff regarding some of the cards in Escalation, as approved by the lead designer Michael Boggs.
1. If the Runner accesses a single card twice during a run on HQ with Obelus, how many cards do they draw?
2. If the Runner accesses cards from another server during a run on HQ or R&D, such as through the ability on Hades Shard, does the Runner draw cards for those accesses as well?
Yes. Those cards were accessed during the run, and the ability does not stipulate that the accesses must be from the attacked server or its root. |
Omar Keung, Conspiracy Theorist[]
3. Does the Runner have to choose a server for Omar’s ability when it is used or when the run on Archives is successful?
4. If Crisium Grid is installed on the central server chosen for Omar’s ability, is it considered a successful run and if so on which server?
The successful run on Archives is replaced with a run on the central server that is considered neither successful nor unsuccessful. |
Net Mercur[]
5. What does "for anything" on Net Mercur mean?
Find the Truth[]
6. When does the Runner need to decide which 3 directives Adam starts the game with?
7. If Adam starts the game with Find the Truth in play, does the Runner reveal his or her starting hand to the Corp?
Ark Lockdown[]
8. Can the Corp name a card that is not in the heap when playing Ark Lockdown?
Hellion Beta Test[]
9. If the Runner accesses a card and then later trashes it outside of an access, can the Corp play Hellion Beta Test on the next turn?
10. If the Runner trashed only one Corp card on their last turn and subsequently used Salsette Slums to remove that card from the game, can the Corp still play Hellion Beta Test?
11. If the Corp plays Hellion Beta Test and the Runner only has one installed non-program card, must the Corp trash one of their own installed cards?
Project Kusanagi[]
12. Can the Corp choose an unrezzed piece of ice for Project Kusanagi's ability?
Jinteki, Potential Unleashed[]
13. If the Runner suffers net damage and one of the cards trashed is I’ve Had Worse, which goes first: trashing the top card of the stack or drawing three cards?
14. If the Runner takes more than 1 net damage from Project Junebug, how many cards do they trash from the top of the stack?
“For each” effects are a single batch of net damage that depends on another value, so only one card from the top of the stack is trashed. |
Observe and Destroy[]
15. Can Observe and Destroy trash a Corp card?
Service Outage[]
16. Can the Runner initiate an effect that makes a run while Service Outage is active, then decline to pay the additional cost? If so, did that count as the “first run” on their turn?
Yes, the additional cost can be declined (and the run does not initiate). This does not count as the first run, as no run was initiated. |
Door to Door[]
17. Does Door to Door give the Runner 1 tag if the trace is unsuccessful or if the runner is not tagged?
Door to Door does not give the tag is the trace is unsuccessful, but rather only if the trace is successful and the Runner is not tagged. |