Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki
Top - Card Errata - Rules Clarifications - Card Clarifications - Frequently Asked Questions
Card Errata

Top - Card Errata - Rules Clarifications - Card Clarifications - Frequently Asked Questions

See also the Cards with errata category.

This section contains the official errata that have been made on individual cards in Android: Netrunner.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 1, Paragraph 1


Should read: "Whenever you make a successful run while Pawn is hosted on a piece of ice, move Pawn to the piece of ice directly after the current ice hosting Pawn, if able…"

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 1, Paragraph 2

Rules Clarifications

Top - Card Errata - Rules Clarifications - Card Clarifications - Frequently Asked Questions
1 When accessed abilities 9 "If successful..." 16 Memory Cost 23 Recurring Credits
2 Accessing Archives 10 "Normally be Trashed" 17 Trashing as a Cost 24 Search
3 Accessing Multiple Cards from HQ 11 Uninstalled 18 Additional Costs to Steal Agendas 25 Choosing Multiple Cards
4 Accessing Multiple Cards from R&D 12 Triggering Actions 19 Hosting 26 Revealing Cards
5 "All" 13 Subroutines 20 Destruction of Servers 27 Negative Strength
6 "Bypass" 14 Rezzing Cards 21 Subtypes 28 Card Memory
7 "Hosted" 15 Replacement Effects 22 Encountering Ice 29 Infinite Loops
8 "Limit 1 console per player."

This section contains the official rule clarifications and enhancements for Android: Netrunner. Used in conjunction with the core set rulebook, these clarifications and enhancements should enable a player to navigate through the most complex situations that can arise while playing the game.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 1, Paragraph 3


When accessed abilities

A card with an ability that triggers when the card is accessed does not have to be active in order for the ability to trigger. When resolving such an ability, just follow the instructions on the card.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 1, Paragraph 4

Accessing Archives

When accessing cards in Archives, the Runner turns all cards faceup in Archives before accessing them. Then he accesses and resolves individual cards one by one, in any order he wants.

All cards in Archives are revealed if the Runner accesses at least 1 card from it. If the Runner uses a replacement effect then he does not turn any facedown cards faceup.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 1, Paragraphs 6-7

Accessing Multiple Cards from HQ

When the Runner accesses multiple cards from HQ, the cards are accessed one at a time, and do not return to HQ until the Runner is finished accessing.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 1, Paragraph 8

Accessing Multiple Cards from R&D

The Runner can intersperse accessing cards from R&D with any upgrades installed in the root of R&D. The Runner cannot choose to access the cards in R&D out of order.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 1, Paragraph 9



The word "all" includes the number zero.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 2, Paragraph 1


When an effect allows the Runner to "bypass" a piece of ice, he immediately passes that ice and continues the run. Any subroutines on the ice bypassed are not broken. Bypassing prevents any unresolved conditional abilities that met their trigger condition when the ice was encountered from resolving.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 2, Paragraph 3


"Hosted" is always self-referential and refers to cards hosted on that card, unless otherwise noted.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 2, Paragraph 5

"Limit 1 console per player."

This restriction refers only to active consoles. A player can have multiple copies of a console, and even different consoles, in his deck.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 2, Paragraph 6

"If successful..."

Whenever there is an "If successful…" effect tied to the outcome of a run, the run itself must have been successful against the specified server(s), if applicable. If the Runner initiates a run against the specified server but ends the run on a different server, the "If successful…" effect does not resolve when the run is successful.

If the "If successful…" effect does not specify a server, then it does not matter if the attacked server is changed during the run, and the ability resolves as normal.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 2, Paragraphs 7-9

"Normally be Trashed"

Trashing cards that "cannot normally trashed" only refers to trashing cards that do not have a trash cost.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 2, Paragraph 10


Anytime an installed card enters HQ, R&D, Archives, or the Runner's grip, stack, or heap, the card has been "uninstalled."

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 2, Paragraph 11

Actions and Abilities

Triggering Actions

A player cannot trigger an action unless he is also able to resolve it.

FAQ 1.4|Page 3, Column 1, Paragraph 1


Unless specified otherwise, the Corporation always chooses the effects of a subroutine, when necessary.

FAQ 1.4|Page 3, Column 1, Paragraph 2

Rezzing cards

The Corporation may rez non-ice cards after the Runner approaches any piece of ice.

FAQ 1.4|Page 3, Column 1, Paragraph 4

Replacement Effects

Replacement effects can only occur once per trigger.

FAQ 1.4|Page 3, Column 1, Paragraph 5


Memory Cost

For the purposes of card abilities, a program's memory cost is not considered an additional cost.

FAQ 1.4|Page 3, Column 1, Paragraph 6

Trashing as a Cost

If the cost of a paid ability requires a card to be trashed, then preventing that card from being trashed prevents the cost from being paid and the paid ability does not resolve.

FAQ 1.4|Page 3, Column 2, Paragraph 1

Additional Costs to Steal Agendas

The Runner can decline to pay an additional cost to steal an agenda, even if he is able to do so.

FAQ 1.4|Page 3, Column 2, Paragraph 3



"Hosting" is the result of placing a card, counter, or token on top of a card, creating a relationship between the host card and what is hosted. If a card allows other cards to be hosted on it, those cards must be hosted on the card when they are installed, unless a card says otherwise.

Hosted counters or tokens can be spent without affecting their host. If a trigger cost requires one or more hosted counters or tokens, those counters or tokens are "spent" by being returned to the token bank from the card the ability appears on.

If a host is trashed or uninstalled, all cards, counters, and tokens hosted on it are also trashed. This cannot be prevented. If a host Corp card is derezzed, all cards, counters, and tokens hosted no it remain hosted.

The state of hosting is distinct (but not exclusive from) the state of installing. Most cards are hosted on another card when they are installed. If a card is hosted but not installed, the card is inactive.

FAQ 1.4|Page 2, Column 2, Paragraph 7-10

Destruction of Servers

The Crop cannot choose to destroy a server when installing cards; at least one card must be installed for other cards in or protecting that server to be trashed.

If there are no cards installed in or protecting a remote sever, then the sever immediately ceases to exist. If a server ceases to exist during a run, the run immediately ends. Unless the run has passed step 4.4 of the timing structure of a run, it is not considered to be successful or unsuccessful.

FAQ 1.4|Page 4, Column 1, Paragraphs 4-5


A card has all of its subtypes when it is inactive.

FAQ 1.4|Page 4, Column 1, Paragraph 6

Encountering Ice

When the Runner encounters a piece of ice, he must resolve any abilities triggered by the encounter before he can trigger paid abilities or break subroutines.

FAQ 1.4|Page 4, Column 1, Paragraph 7

Recurring Credits

Recurring credits are placed on a card when the card becomes active, and can be used immediately. Recurring credits do not stack; a player replaces recurring credits up to the number listed on the card when his or her turn begins. This occurs at step 1.2 of the Runner's turn, before any conditional abilities can be triggered. Recurring credits are only ever replaced up to their current value, not removed.

FAQ 1.4|Page 4, Column 1, Paragraph 8


If a player is searching for a card, he must find the card(s), if able. If a player is unable to fulfill the condition of the search, then nothing happens, but the deck is always reshuffled.

FAQ 1.4|Page 4, Column 1, Paragraph 9

Choosing Multiple Cards

If an ability allows a player to choose multiple cards, all of the cards must be chosen before the effect resolves.

FAQ 1.4|Page 4, Column 1, Paragraph 10

Revealing Cards

If a Corporation card is not visible to the Runner when it is trashed or discarded, then it is sent to Archives facedown. If a Corporation card is visible to the Runner when it is trashed or discarded, it is sent to Archives faceup.

If a card in an inactive state is chosen by a card effect, the Corporation must show that card to the Runner without changing its faceup or facedown status. The Corporation only reveals the card if it was facedown and the effect says he must reveal it.

FAQ 1.4|Page 4, Column 1, Paragraph 12

Negative Strength

Ice and icebreakers can have negative strength.

FAQ 1.4|Page 4, Column 2, Paragraph 2

Card Memory

Whenever a card is uninstalled, it has no memory of its previous state and is considered to be a new copy of the card.

FAQ 1.4|Page 4, Column 2, Paragraph 3

Infinite Loops

If an infinite loop is created, the player responsible for the loop must choose a number. The loop instantaneously resolves that many times, and then ends. The Runner must jack out to end an infinite loop that occurs during a run, unless a card ability prevents that from occurring. If the Runner cannot jack out, then it is the Corp's responsibility to end the loop by letting the Runner through to the server.

FAQ 1.4|Page , Column 2, Paragraph 4

Card Clarifications

Top - Card Errata - Rules Clarifications - Card Clarifications - Frequently Asked Questions

See also the Cards with clarifications category.

This section addresses rules interactions with regard to specific cards. The cards are sorted by set and then by card number.

FAQ 1.4|Page 4, Column 1, Paragraph 1

Core Set


  • Cards trashed by Noise's ability are placed facedown in Archives.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 1, Paragraph 2

Demolition Run

  • The Runner can trash an agenda accessed with Demolition Run, instead of stealing it.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 1, Paragraph 3


  • The Runner cannot move other installed programs to Djinn when it is installed.
  • When the Runner installs a program, he has the choice of installing it directly into his rig or on Djinn. He cannot move programs onto Djinn at a later point.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 1, Paragraphs 4-5


  • Before accessing cards from R&D at step 4.5 of a run, the Runner chooses how many cards he wants to access when using Medium.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 1, Paragraph 6


  • Parasite cannot be hosted on Djinn. A card or counter can only be hosted in one place at a time, and Parasite has the restriction that it must be installed on a piece of ice.
  • If a piece of ice hosting Parasite is derezzed, the Parasite continues to collect virus tokens, but the hosting ice has no strength while derezzed and therefore cannot be trashed by Parasite unless it is rezzed again.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 1, Paragraphs 7-8


  • The Runner can only use Wyrm to lower the strength of a currently encountered piece of ice, and only if Wyrm is of equal or higher strength than that ice.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 1, Paragraph 9

Account Siphon

  • The Runner can choose to not use the ability on Account Siphon when the run is successful. If he does, he does not take any tags.
  • If the Runner ends up running on another server than HQ, the "If successful…" ability on Account Siphon cannot be triggered.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 1, Paragraphs 10-11

Forged Activation Orders

  • The Corp cannot rez Akitaro Watanabe in response to a Forged Activation Orders from being played. The effect of Forged Activation Orders is immediately resolved unless prevented or avoided.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 2, Paragraph 1

Femme Fatale

  • Femme Fatale does not need to match the strength of a piece of ice in order to bypass it.
  • The Runner can spend the credit from Cyberfeeder to pay for the bypass ability.
  • If Femme Fatale is uninstalled, the Runner cannot bypass the ice chosen by the Femme Fatale when it was installed: the effect is no longer active since the card is no longer active. Even if that copy of Femme Fatale is re-installed, it is treated as a ‘new’ copy and cannot bypass anything other than the ice chosen when it was just installed.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 2, Paragraphs 2-4

Sneakdoor Beta

  • If Sneakdoor Beta is trashed during a run it initiated, the run is still treated as a run on HQ if it is successful.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 2, Paragraph 5

Bank Job

  • The Runner cannot use two Bank Jobs on the same run. When the run is successful, he or she may either access cards or use the ability of a Bank Job. Using Bank Job replaces accessing cards, so once the Runner triggers one of them the other is no longer able to trigger its own replacement ability.
  • The Runner can take credits from Bank Job if he made a successful run on an empty server.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 2, Paragraphs 6-7

Net Shield

  • Net Shield prevents a single point of net damage. It does not prevent all net damage from a single source.
  • Multiple Net Shields cannot prevent more damage.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 2, Paragraphs 8-9

Aesop's Pawnshop

  • Aesop's Pawnshop can only trash a single card each turn.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 2, Paragraph 10

Aggressive Secretary

  • The programs are trashed at the same time.
  • The Corporation cannot choose to trash the same program more than once.
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 2, Paragraphs 11-12


  • If the Runner jacks out immediately after encountering a Chum and not breaking its subroutine, the Runner does not take any damage.
  • Chum deals its net damage the first time either of the following occur during an encounter with the next piece of ice:
1) a subroutine resolves
2) the run ends
FAQ 1.4|Page 5, Column 2, Paragraphs 13-14


  • If the Runner cannot pay 3Credit when encountering Tollbooth, then the run ends without the Runner paying any credits.
  • The Runner must pay 3Credit if he is able to do so, even by spending temporary credits (such as bad publicity credits).
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 1, Paragraphs 1-2

Red Herrings

  • If the Runner accesses an agenda from R&D, but is unable or unwilling to steal it by paying the additional cost, he must show it to the Corp.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 1, Paragraph 3

Aggressive Negotiation

  • Aggressive Negotiation can be played if the Corp scores an agenda during step 1.1 of his draw phase.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 1, Paragraph 4


  • If the Corp has an overadvanced Braintrust scored and rezzes Archer, forfeiting it, Archer gains the discounted rez cost.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 1, Paragraph 5

Mandatory Upgrades

  • If Mandatory Upgrades is forfeited, the Corp loses the additional click immediately. The Corp cannot choose to spend the additional click before the forfeit, except as part of his last action (at which point it has already been spent, and there is nothing left for the Corp to lose). Each player should keep a running total of each click that is available for them to spend, rather than look at clicks individually.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 1, Paragraph 6


  • TMI can be rezzed multiple times while the Runner approaches it. Timing structure of a run 2.3 is a window that allows the approached piece of ice to be rezzed. There is no limit to the number of times a Corp can rez an approached piece of ice if it is derezzed during this window.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 1, Paragraph 7

e3 Feedback Implants

  • e3 Feedback Implants triggers itself, so the Runner can break all subroutines on a bioroid ice by paying credits after spending a single click.
  • If multiple subroutines are broken at the same time, e3 Feedback Implants triggers once for each subroutine.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 1, Paragraphs 8-9

Fetal AI

  • The Runner must pay the 2Credit to steal Fetal AI from the Archives.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 1, Paragraph 10


  • Sensei only adds a single "End the run." subroutine after all of the other subroutines on the next piece of ice, not a subroutine after each subroutine on the ice.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 2, Paragraph 1

Nerve Agent

  • Before accessing cards from HQ at step 4.5 of a run, the Runner chooses how many cards he wants to access when using Nerve Agent.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 2, Paragraph 2


  • If the outermost piece of ice on a server is unrezzed, the Runner can use Snitch to look at it and then decide to jack out before encountering it.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 2, Paragraph 3


  • If there is an icebreaker already installed on Dinosaurus, the Runner can install a different icebreaker onto Dinosaurus, trashing the previously installed icebreaker.
  • If the Runner has no free MU but a Dinosaurus that is not currently hosting an icebreaker, he can install an icebreaker on Dinosaurus without trashing a program. Declaring that you are hosting it on Dinosaurus as part of the install action, and so the memory cost of the program does not need to be taken into account.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 2, Paragraphs 4-5

Personal Workshop

  • The Runner may use the first ability on Personal Workshop to host a program or a piece of hardware on it. Cards hosted by this ability are not installed, and therefore are inactive.
  • The Runner can pay to remove a power counter from a card hosted on Personal Workshop as a paid ability. A program installed from Personal Workshop follows all the normal install rules; you must trash already installed programs to make room for the new one, if necessary.
  • When there are no power counters on a program or a piece of hardware that has a play restriction on it that cannot be met (such as a Parasite with no rezzed ice to be hosted on or a console when there is already a console installed), that program or piece of hardware is trashed instead of being installed.
  • If Personal Workshop is uninstalled, all cards hosted on it are trashed and all counters on those cards are removed.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 2, Paragraphs 6-9


  • When resolving Sunset, the ice must be rearranged in such a way that the Runner knows which piece of ice moved where.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 2, Paragraph 10

Oversight AI

  • Playing Oversight AI does not give Engineering the Future 1 credit for an install.
  • Oversight AI is treated as a condition counter and not an operation when it is played.
  • Oversight AI is trashed to the Archives if the host ice is uninstalled.
FAQ 1.4|Page 6, Column 2, Paragraphs 11-12

False Lead

  • If False Lead is forfeited and the Runner cannot lose 2 clicks, then he loses no clicks.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 1, Paragraph 2


  • Disrupter cannot be used once the Corp has bid during a trace attempt. It must be used when the trace being initiated, and it prevents the entire trace before re-initiating it.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 1, Paragraph 3


  • When the Runner mulligans with Andromeda, he draws another starting hand of 9 cards.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 1, Paragraph 4


  • Midori can only be used at timing structure of a run 2.
  • Ice that is swapped is installed, but the install cost of the ice being installed does not have to be paid.
  • If the Runner exposes an ice with Snitch, Midori can still swap the ice. If the Runner jacks out when using Snitch, then there is no opportunity to swap the ice.
  • Midori must already be rezzed before the run in order to use her on the first piece of ice protecting the server.
  • Ice installed with Midori can be rezzed for 3 less cost with the Amazon Industrial Zone.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 1, Paragraphs 5-9

Awakening Center

  • Ice hosted on Awakening Center can be rezzed through other card effects, but a rezzed piece of ice cannot be encountered unless it was rezzed by Awakening Center.
  • Only one piece of hosted ice on Awakening Center can be encountered per run.
  • Ice on Awakening Center does not count as ice protecting the server.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 1, Paragraphs 10-12


  • The Runner can trash a program as an additional cost, and then reinstall that same program.
  • As part of the install action, the Runner can trash installed programs.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 1, Paragraphs 13-14


  • Pawn can move onto a piece of ice hosting another caïssa, but other caïssa programs cannot move onto a piece of ice hosting Pawn.
  • The Runner cannot choose the Pawn that is being trashed as the program to install with Pawn because the trash and install are part of the same effect.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 2, Paragraphs 1-2


  • Rook can only move to another server if there is another piece of ice in the same "row" as the ice Rook is hosted on, counting up from the innermost piece of ice protecting each server.
  • Rook cannot be hosted on a piece of ice if it is already hosted on another non-ice card.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 2, Paragraphs 3-4


  • Bishop only moves from a piece of ice protecting a central server to a piece of ice protecting a remote server, and vice versa.
  • Bishop cannot be hosted on a piece of ice if it is already hosted on another non-ice card.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 2, Paragraphs 5-6


  • The Runner can jack out the first time he encounters a piece of ice with Recon, even if it was not the outermost piece of ice protecting the server.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 2, Paragraph 7


  • If a piece of ice is bypassed, Copycat still triggers since the ice is also passed.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 2, Paragraph 8

The Cleaners

  • The Cleaners adds an additional point of damage to the source of the damage before any damage is prevented.
  • The Cleaners can add unpreventable meat damage if the source is also unpreventable.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 2, Paragraphs 9-10


  • Knight cannot move to a piece of ice that is vertically adjacent to the ice that it is hosted on. Knight can move to a piece of protecting any other server without restriction.
  • Knight cannot be hosted on a piece of ice if it is already hosted on another non-ice card.
FAQ 1.4|Page 7, Column 2, Paragraphs 11-12

Accelerated Diagnostics

  • Looking at the top 3 cards of R&D does not remove the cards from R&D. The cards are still in R&D and able to be affected by operations played with Accelerated Diagnostics.
  • Each operation the Corp looks at can be played in any order. The Corp does not have to play the topmost operation first.
  • When the Corp plays an operation, he fully resolves it before playing another one or trashing the rest of the cards.
  • If any o the 3 cards looked at are no longer in the top 3 positions of R&D (as determined when Accelerated Diagnostics was played), then those cards cannot be played.
  • The Corp can only play and look at the top 3 cards (as determined when Accelerated Diagnostics was played. Even if other cards are moved into the top 3, those cards are not eligible to be played/looked at by the Accelerated Diagnostics.
FAQ 1.4|Page 8, Column 1, Paragraphs 1-5


  • The credits are gained when the Runner spends a click to initiate an action that does not make a run on the server Sundew is installed in, before the click is resolved.
  • If the Runner plays a run event to initiate a run on the server Sundew is installed in, the Corp does not gain 2 credits.
FAQ 1.4|Page 8, Column 1, Paragraphs 6-7

Power Shutdown

  • The Corp must choose X before trashing cards from R&D.
  • The Corp cannot choose a number that is greater than the number of cards in R&D.
FAQ 1.4|Page 8, Column 1, Paragraphs 8-9


  • The card trashed by Keyhole is trashed faceup.
FAQ 1.4|Page 8, Column 2, Paragraph 1


  • The Runner can spend zero credits after the subroutine on RSVP resolves to trash cards or trigger paid abilities.
FAQ 1.4|Page 8, Column 2, Paragraph 2

Toshiyuki Sakai

  • The card that is swapped with Toshiyuki Sakai is installed.
FAQ 1.4|Page 8, Column 2, Paragraph 3

Restoring Face

  • The Corp can trash a facedown card, but must reveal it to the Runner. The card is still trashed facedown.
FAQ 1.4|Page 8, Column 2, Paragraph 4

Subliminal Messaging

  • When adding a facedown Subliminal Messaging in Archives to HQ, the Corp must reveal it to the Runner.
FAQ 1.4|Page 8, Column 2, Paragraph 5


  • If the Runner does not make a run during the turn he uses Paintbrush, then the condition no longer applies and the ice loses any subtypes gained from Paintbrush.
FAQ 1.4|Page 8, Column 2, Paragraph 6

Caprice Nisei

  • Caprice Nisei's ability triggers at step 4 of a run.
  • If there is no ice protecting the server, Caprice Nisei's ability still triggers if she was rezzed before the run was initiated.
FAQ 1.4|Page 8, Column 2, Paragraphs 7-8

Frequently Asked Questions

Top - Card Errata - Rules Clarifications - Card Clarifications - Frequently Asked Questions

See also the Cards with FAQ category.

This section answers some of the more frequently asked questions that arise while playing Android: Netrunner.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 1, Paragraph 1

If the Runner steals an agenda from Jinteki using the core set identity, but has no cards in hand, who wins?
The Runner wins the game. Whenever a player has 7 or more agenda points in his score area, the game immediately ends. The game ending takes precedence over any conditional ability that triggers when an agenda is stolen.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 1, Paragraph 2

When a piece of ice allows the Runner to break subroutines on it by spending clicks, does the Runner have to match the strength of the ice before using this ability?
No. The Runner only has to match the strength of a piece of ice with an icebreaker that he is using to interact with the ice. This ability allows the Runner to break subroutines by spending clicks without using any icebreakers.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 1, Paragraph 3

If the Corp rezzes an illicit piece of ice during a run, can the Runner spend the bad publicity credit immediately?
No. Bad publicity credits are only gained at the beginning of a run.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 1, Paragraph 4

Can the Runner use Datasucker to reduce the strength of a piece of ice before an ability on that ice triggers when it is encountered (such as a Tollbooth)?
No. Tollbooth ends the run unless the Runner pays 3Credit before the Runner has the opportunity to use a paid ability. See step 3 of a run.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 1, Paragraph 5

Can the Runner combine multiple effects to make a run, like using both Sneakdoor Beta and Account Siphon?
No. Using each of those cards is an action, and a player cannot take an action during the resolution of another action.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 1, Paragraph 6

The rules state that "The Runner cannot jack out while approaching the first piece of ice during a run." Can the Runner jack out after the subroutine on Cell Portal resolves and he is approaching the outermost piece of ice protecting the server?
Yes. "The first piece of ice" refers to the first time a piece of ice is approached during a run, and not the ice itself. The Runner approaches the ice and has the opportunity to jack out.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 1, Paragraph 7

There is a Parasite with 1 virus counter hosted on a rezzed Enigma, and the Runner has an Ice Carver installed. If the Runner encounters Chum, does not break its subroutine, and then continues the run and encounters Enigma, is the Enigma trashed?
No. Chum's ability is a required conditional effect that creates a constant +2 strength effect. When the Runner encounters the ice, both modifiers (Chum at +2 and Ice Carver at -1) apply at the same time and the strength of Enigma would be 2.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 2, Paragraph 1

If the Runner takes 4 brain damage from a single source, how many brain damage tokens would he get?
The Runner takes 1 brain damage token for each point of brain damage he suffers, even if it was suffered all at once. The Runner would get 4 tokens to mark the brain damage he has suffered.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 2, Paragraph 2

Where is an upgrade installed in a remote server?
An upgrade is installed in a remote server in the same position as an agenda or asset. The Runner should not be able to tell what type of card is installed in a remote server by its position. This is different than installing an upgrade in a central server, where it is always installed in the root.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 2, Paragraph 3

Can the Runner use multiple icebreakers on a single piece of ice?
Yes, although there are few situations where this is beneficial. But the Runner cannot use one icebreaker's strength to allow another icebreaker to interact with the ice.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 2, Paragraph 4

Can the Runner install a new console if he already has one in play?
The limit of 1 console per player prevents the Runner from installing a second console, even if the Runner wishes to trash the first.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 2, Paragraph 5

Does the Corp know what cards the Runner accesses from HQ?
Yes. The Corp should know what cards are accessed and in what order.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 2, Paragraph 6

Can the Runner trash an accessed card with Demolition Run before any "when accessed" conditional abilities resolve?
No. The card must be accessed before Imp, Demolition Run, or any other similar effect can be used to trash it, just as if the Runner was paying its trash cost.

FAQ 1.4|Page 9, Column 2, Paragraph 7

Can the Runner install a program if he has no more available memory units?
Yes. The Runner can trash any number of already installed programs before installing a new one (and must if there is not enough space for the new program). So if the Runner has no free MU, he can initiate an install action, trash any number of programs to free up MU, and then install the new program.

FAQ 1.4|Page 10, Column 1, Paragraph 1

The Runner chooses an unrezzed Archer as the target of a Forged Activation Orders. Can the Corp choose to rez Archer, but then decline to pay the additional cost of forfeiting the agenda?
No. If the Corp chooses to rez Archer, then as part of this choice he must pay 4Credit and forfeit an agenda. Otherwise, the ice is trashed.

FAQ 1.4|Page 10, Column 1, Paragraph 2

Can the Corp rearrange his installed cards within a single server, to obscure the order that he installed them in?
The Corporation must keep the order of his installs clear to the Runner; he cannot rearrange cards in servers however he likes.

FAQ 1.4|Page 10, Column 1, Paragraph 3

If the Runner gains a click with Joshua B. and then trashes the card using Aesop's Pawnshop, would he still take a tag at the end of the turn, considering Joshua B is no longer active?
Yes. The Runner would still take the tag, even though Joshua B. is no longer active because the effect has already been triggered and is active itself. Once an effect is triggered, it will resolve unless prevented or avoided.

FAQ 1.4|Page 10, Column 1, Paragraph 4

Can the Runner use New Angeles City Hall to avoid the tags from an Account Siphon if they have 0 credits when the ability resolves?
No. The gaining of the credits and the taking of the tags resolves at the same time, so the Runner cannot use those credits to avoid the tags.

FAQ 1.4|Page 10, Column 1, Paragraph 5

If the Corp uses Efficiency Committee for extra clicks, can he then play Shipment from Kaguya and Trick of Light to place/move advancement tokens during that turn?
Yes. Placing or moving advancement tokens on a card is different than advancing it, and Efficiency Committee only stops the Corp from advancing cards.

FAQ 1.4|Page 10, Column 1, Paragraph 6

The Runner does not break a subroutine that specifies "Trash 1 program." Who chooses the program to trash?
The Corp chooses which program to trash. Unless otherwise noted, each player makes the choices required by the effects on his cards.

FAQ 1.4|Page 10, Column 1, Paragraph 7

Can the Runner use the recurring credit on Cyberfeeder to pay for using Femme Fatale's bypass ability or Darwin's gaining counters ability?
Yes. Triggering any ability on an icebreaker is considered to be using it.

FAQ 1.4|Page 10, Column 1, Paragraph 8

How does Rielle "Kit" Peddler's ability interact with bypassing a piece of ice? Is there anyway to bypass a piece of ice and make the next piece of ice a code gate?
There is no way to bypass a piece of ice and then make the next piece of ice a code gate. Rielle "Kit" Peddler makes the first piece of ice encountered a code gate, and this is a constant ability. The Runner encounters any ice bypassed, and cannot choose to resolve the bypass ability before Kit's constant ability, because the constant ability is always active.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 1, Paragraph 1

If the Runner has The Source installed and plays a Notoriety, does the clause "Add Notoriety to your score area as an agenda" cause The Source to be trashed?
No. Adding Notoriety to the Runner's score area is not the same as scoring or stealing an agenda, and so does not trash The Source.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 1, Paragraph 2

The Runner encounters Heimdall 1.0 and uses a click to break the first subroutine. If the Corp rezzes a Tyr's Hand and uses its ability to prevent that break, can the Runner spend another click to rebreak the subroutine?
Yes. Tyr's Hand prevents a subroutine from being broken once, but the Runner can break the subroutine again.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 1, Paragraph 3

If the Runner encounters Heimdall 2.0 and uses two clicks to break the first two subroutines, and the Corp uses a Tyr's Hand to prevent one of them from being broken, can e3 Feedback Implants be used to break that subroutine again?
Yes. Both subroutines are broken at the same time, and so the Runner can respond to the broken subroutine with e3 Feedback Implants.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 1, Paragraph 4

The Runner encounters Heimdall 2.0 and spends two clicks to break both of the first two subroutines. He then uses e3 Feedback Implants to break the third subroutine, but has that break prevented by Tyr's Hand. Can the Runner use e3 Feedback Implants again, or has the chance to use it now passed?
Yes, the Runner can use the e3 Feedback Implants again.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 1, Paragraph 5

How does Project Ares interact with Sacrificial Construct? Can the Runner choose to trash a Sacrificial Construct, and then trash that Sacrificial Construct to prevent another card from being trashed by Project Ares?
Yes. All installed cards being trashed by Project Ares are chosen at the same time, and the prevent ability on Sacrificial Construct can be resolved to prevent another card from being trashed.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 1, Paragraph 6

Can the Runner use Copycat after breaking the subroutine on Paper Wall?
Yes. Even though the Paper Wall is trashed, the ice is still passed.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 1, Paragraph 7

What happens if the Runner has a Blackguard installed and plays a Satellite Uplink?
Both cards are exposed simultaneously, and the Runner chooses the order that the Blackguard triggers resolve in.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 1, Paragraph 8

The Runner has Blackguard installed and exposes an Archer. Is the Corp forced to rez the Archer?
Blackguard only forces the Corp to pay the rez cost, if able. The Corp does not have to rez the Archer because he can decline to pay the additional cost of forfeiting an agenda.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 2, Paragraph 1

The Corp has two copies of Director Haas installed, one rezzed and one unrezzed. The Corp spends four clicks and then rezzes the second copy. Does the Corp have an additional click to spend?
No. Clicks are tracked as a running total and not individually. The Corp still has 4 clicks to spend on his turn, and he has spent 4 clicks, whether or not the additional click came from a different card.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 2, Paragraph 2

If the Runner did not break a subroutine on Hudson 1.0 and accesses an installed Toshiyuki Sakai, can he access the swapped-in card?
No. The Runner cannot access the card swapped with Toshiyuki Sakai because it is a new card and he has reached his access limit.

FAQ 1.4|Page 11, Column 2, Paragraph 3

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