This is the sixth in a series of unofficial FAQs released with each new data pack. Below are rulings from Damon Stone, the head designer, regarding some of the cards in Fear the Masses.
EMP Device[]
- This ruling is a reversal of the original ruling provided in the Business First UFAQ.
1. After the Runner uses EMP Device, the Corp rezzes Howler. Can Howler’s subroutine still install a bioroid behind itself? Is the Howler still trashed?
Howler installs the ice but does not rez it. Howler is not trashed, as it says “if you do” install and rez the ice. |
Fear the Masses[]
2. When does the Runner reveal extra copies of Fear the Masses to force the Corp to trash additional cards?
The Runner reveals the other copies during the Access cards step (4.5), before any cards have been trashed from Fear the Masses’ effect. |
3. Does Reina Roja’s ability allow a newly rezzed piece of ice with a printed rez cost of 4 to be broken by Aghora?
The Black File[]
4. If both players have at least 7 agenda points while The Black File is installed, does the game end in a tie or the Runner winning?
5. If a tournament game ends due to time while The Black File is installed and the Corp has at least 7 agenda points, what happens?
The Price of Freedom[]
6. Can the Corp still place advancement counters on cards through card abilities while suffering the effects of The Price of Freedom?
7. If Ankusa breaks all the subroutines on Paper Wall, what happens?
If it is the Runner's turn, then Paper Wall is returned to HQ and is not trashed. If it is the Corp's turn, then Paper Wall is trashed and is not returned to HQ. |
8. If Ankusa breaks all subroutines on a piece of ice during a Knifed run, what happens?
The Runner chooses either for Ankusa to add the barrier to HQ or for Knifed to trash it. However, Knifed will not trash any further barrier whose subroutines are all broken regardless of the choice. |
9. If a Parasite hosted on a Bastion has 3 virus counters on it when Magnet is rezzed, does Magnet get trashed as soon as the Parasite is moved to it?
10. If a Magnet hosting a Parasite with 3 virus counters is derezzed, does the Magnet get trashed by the Parasite as soon as it is rezzed again?
11. Can the Runner host a Caïssa program on a Magnet that is already hosting another Caïssa program?
Voter Intimidation[]
12. The Runner has a copy of Fan Site in their score area. Can the Corp play Voter Intimidation?
Harishchandra Ent.[]
13. If a tagged Runner is damaged while playing against Harishchandra Ent., how is the damage resolved?
Damage is still random. In practice, the Runner should hide and shuffle their grip, suffer damage as normal, then reveal their grip again. |
14. Does Navi Mumbai City Grid prohibit the Runner from using conditional abilities with costs, such as the subroutine breaking of e3 Feedback Implants or the derez of Councilman? What about the to break ability provided on many bioroid pieces of ice?
Zealous Judge[]
15. Can the Corp use Worlds Plaza to install Zealous Judge if the runner is not tagged?
16. The Corp scores License Acquisition and the Runner is not tagged. Can the Corp install Zealous Judge with Licence Acquisition’s ability?
Election Day[]
17. What does the parenthetical "(minimum of 1)" mean on Election Day?
The text “(minimum of 1)” prohibits the Corp from playing Election Day unless at least one card is trashed by its effect. |
18. Can the Corp spend credits gained from the first operation played with Subcontract to pay for the second operation?
Yes. The entire process of paying for the first operation’s cost and resolving its effects is carried out before playing the second operation. |
19. While resolving Subcontract, can the Corp play a Hedge Fund as the second operation if it was drawn from playing Anonymous Tip as the first operation?
Yes. The Corp chooses a second operation to play (if any) after the first operation is finished resolving. |
20. When is Subcontract added to Archives?
21. If both players have 6 agenda points, what happens when the Corp plays Exchange of Information and swaps a scored Merger with a stolen Global Food Initiative?