Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki

Play only if you made a successful run on R&D, HQ, and Archives this turn.

Add Notoriety to your score area as an agenda worth 1 agenda point.
When you're this good, it's hard not to grow a fan base.

Related FAQs[]

  • FAQ 1.3.22 - Adding Notoriety to the Runner's score area is not the same as the Runner stealing an agenda, so it does not trigger "when the Runner steals" abilities.

Related Rulings[]


The Spanish version of Notoriety is mistranslated, allowing you to play it if you made a successful run on R&D, HQ, or Archives.[2]


  1. Crisium Grid v. Card Restrictions Ruling
    Do restrictions such as those on Emergency Shutdown and Successful Demonstration count as abilities? That is, are those cards affected by Crisium Grid?
    Restrictions count as part of card effects, so you cannot play those cards if the Runner made a run on a server with Crisium Grid.