Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki

Click: Choose a rezzed piece of ice. That ice gains sentry, code gate, or barrier until the end of the next run this turn.
"Hand-made code is like hand-made art. You can see the brush strokes, which lets you see the artist. And then you can see everything in a new way."
-Kate "Mac" McCaffrey


Page 8, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 17, FAQ
If the Runner does not make a run during the turn he uses Paintbrush, then the condition no longer applies and the ice loses any subtypes gained from Paintbrush.

Related Rulings[]

  • The gaining and losing of subtypes for ice should be tracked as a running total.[1]:Ruling


  1. Gaining and Losing Subtypes Ruling
    I have a Wendigo installed and advanced once. Runner is Kit and makes a run, and Wendigo is the first piece of ice she encountered this turn. Is Wendigo Code Gate or not? And what if instead of Kit it was any other runner using Tinkering instead? and what about Paintbrush?
    When a card gains and loses a trait multiple times, you should keep a running total to see if the card has that trait. So if you advance Wendigo so that it loses code gate, but then it gains a second code gate subtype with Tinkering, Kit, or Paintbrush, then it is considered a code gate since it has two instances of code gate and has only lost it once.