Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki

Click: Host Pawn on an outermost piece of ice protecting a central server.

Whenever you make a successful run while Pawn is hosted on a piece of ice, move Pawn to the piece of ice directly after the current ice hosting Pawn, if able; otherwise, trash Pawn instead and install a Caïssa program from your grip or heap, ignoring all costs.


Page 7, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 2-3, FAQ
Pawn can move onto a piece of ice hosting another caïssa, but other caïssa programs cannot move onto a piece of ice hosting Pawn.

The Runner cannot choose the Pawn that is being trashed as the program to install with Pawn because the trash and install are part of the same effect.

Related Rulings[]


  • July 16, 2014: Card text given errata to add "while Pawn is hosted on a piece of ice"
Old Card Text
Click: Host Pawn on an outermost piece of ice protecting a central server.

Whenever you make a successful run, move Pawn to the piece of ice directly after the current ice hosting Pawn, if able; otherwise, trash Pawn instead and install a Caïssa program from your grip or heap, ignoring all costs.


  1. Scheherazade + Caïssa Ruling
    Which Caissa programs can move from Scheherazade if installed there first? Will all Caissa receive the same errata as Pawn regarding hosting vs. hosting on ICE?
    Only Pawn can move from Scheherazade.