Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki
This page is about the main Runner mechanic of making a run. For the event subtype, see Run (subtype).

Runs are the heart of Android: Netrunner. A run is a Runner's attempt to hack into one of the Corporation's servers and access the data hidden inside. The Runner can always spend Click as an action during the Action Phase to make a run.

Page 15, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 11, Core Rule Book
Making a Run

For Click, the Runner initiates a run against the Corporation in order to steal the Corporation's agendas and trash his cards.

Page 16, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 1, Core Rule Book
Runs are the heart of Android: Netrunner, and provide opportunities for the Runner to steal the Corporation's agendas and trash his cards. In a run, the Runner attacks one of the Corporation's servers in an attempt to access cards, using installed programs to help him pass the Corporation's ice.

Run Structure[]

For a full breakdown of all the steps in a run, see Timing Structure of a Run.

A run generally has three phases, each with its own steps and rules, though some runs may skip parts of the run depending on the board state or certain card effects. The three phases, in order, are: Initiation Phase, Confrontation Phase, and Access Phase.

Page 17, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 1, Core Rule Book
Runs typically transpire in three phases. Not every run will include all of these phases.
  1. Initiation Phase
  2. Confrontation Phase
  3. Access Phase


Of the server[]

If a Remote Server ceases to exist in the middle of a run, that run immediately ends unsuccessfully, unless Step 4.4 has already been passed.

Page 4, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 11, FAQ
If a server ceases to exist during a run, the run immediately ends. Unless the run has passed step 4.4 of the timing structure of a run, it is not considered to be successful or unsuccessful.

Of ice[]

If a piece of ice is trashed during approach or encounter, then it is passed immediately without further opportunity to use paid abilities.

Page 4, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 12, FAQ
If a piece of ice is destroyed during an approach or encounter with the piece of ice, then the ice is immediately passed and the run continues. Any open paid ability window closes immediately.

Unspent Bad Publicity[]

At the end of the run, whether successful or unsuccessful, the Runner loses unspent bad publicity credits and returns to his/her Action Phase.

Page 18, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 7, Core Rule Book
The Runner returns any unspent bad publicity credits to the token bank, and the Runner resumes his Action phase.

"If successful..."[]

In addition to the standard Runner action of making a run, there are a lot of cards that can initiate runs as part of their effects. If such a run has an "if successful" effect tied to it, then that effect only resolves if the run is successful on the server specified by the card.

Page 2, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 10, FAQ
Whenever there is an "If successful..." effect tied to the outcome of a run, the run itself must have been successful against the specified server(s), if applicable. If the Runner initiates a run on the specified server but ends the run on a different server, the "If successful..." effect does not resolve when the run is successful.

If the card initiating the run does not specify a server, then the run can be moved to a different server without losing the "if successful" effect.

Page 2, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 12, FAQ
If the ability including "If successful..." does not specify a server, then it does not matter if the attacked server is changed during the run, and the ability resolves as normal.