Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki

When your turn begins, choose a server. The first time you make a successful run on that server this turn, instead of accessing cards, gain 2Credit.
She was as good as Mr. Li said. The source machine had been compromised in under 24 hours. If a freelance operative could do that, the server clearly wasn't ready to endure Gagarin's legion of corp-owned runners.


Page 8, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 9, FAQ
If Security Testing is uninstalled after a server is chosen, its ability cannot replace accessing cards if the first run on the chosen server is successful; the ability is no longer active since the card is no longer active.

Related FAQs[]

Related Rulings[]

  • If the Runner chooses a Crisium Grid server for Security Testing then runs on that server and trashes the Crisium Grid, a second run on that server will payout for Security Testing.[1]:Ruling
  • Reversing the FAQ entry above: Security Testing triggers and resolves before Account Siphon can resolve, and it is a required conditional ability. Therefore, it always takes precedence over Account Siphon without offering the Runner any choice.[2]:Ruling


  1. Crisium Grid v. Security Testing Reversal Ruling
    how is Crisium Grid supposed to work? Does it:

    1. affect run outcomes, modifying their state permanently; and if so, what part of the wording makes it this way considering it neither has a trigger nor has replacement text? Is the key word "considered" (this is the first card to ever use this word, so my understanding could be warped by not recognizing this as a game term)?


    2. affect the capability of cards to see successful runs, as implied by its wording and the fact that it is a constant ability?
    After looking at both scenarios, I agree that the rulings are inconsistent. The Crisium Grid is a constant ability that, as long as it is active, modifies the game state whenever a run is made against that server. Once the game state is recorded, it cannot be retroactively changed and any card abilities in the future that try and see if the run is successful or unsuccessful will fail.

    In the case of Security Testing, the Runner will gain the credits during the second run on that server if the Grid is trashed during the first run. I will make sure this is addressed in the next FAQ.

    Further Clarification
    Each card affects the game state, all abilities affect the game state, but it does not change the actual “recorded history” of what happened. When the Runner makes a run on a server with Crisium Grid, the run is still successful but it is seen as neither successful or unsuccessful for the purposes of card abilities. So Security Testing should see the “fake” record, just like Desperado or Emergency Shutdown, and gain credits the second time you run on the server. I will make sure this is addressed in the next FAQ.

    For the record Crisium Grid itself creates this modified record in the game log only if it is active whenever the successful or unsuccessful run occurs. So even after it is trashed the history has been cemented, and it also cannot retroactively be applied.
  2. Security Testing + Account Siphon Ruling
    FAQ 1.5.35 seems incorrect given new understanding of ability types. As ST triggers at 4.4 and Siphon isn't triggered, doesn't ST replace access with creds before Siphon would ever come into play?
    Yeah that's the way it works now.