Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki

The first time the Runner spends at least 1 Click on his or her turn, gain 2Credit unless the Runner just initiated a run on this server.
As beautiful as it is dangerous. And it's plenty dangerous.


Page 8, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 7-8, FAQ
The credits are gained when the Runner spends a click to initiate an action that does not make a run on the server Sundew is installed in, before the click is resolved.

If the Runner plays a run event to initiate a run on the server Sundew is installed in, the Corp does not gain 2 credits.

Related Rulings[]

  • Sundew must be rezzed when the Runner spends his/her first click; it cannot be rezzed after the fact to payout.[1]:Ruling
  • Sundew pays out immediately once the first click has been spent on anything but running Sundew, before the action's effect resolves.[2]:Ruling
  • Cyber Threat is not a run event that directly initiates a run, thus playing it with the first click does not keep Sundew from paying out.[3]:Ruling


  1. Sundew and First Click Ruling
    If I were to rez Sundew on the runner's turn after he has spent a click, do I get my credits on the next click if the runner does not run Sundew's server?
    The first time does refer to the first time that the Runner spends at least 1 click. The clause about running on Sundew is conditional on them spending that first click(s). If the Runner has already spent a click, rezzing Sundew has no effect.
  2. Sundew Payout Timing Ruling
    I have a simple question concerning Sundew:

    when does the effect of gaining 2 credits actually occur?

    I'm having trouble understanding when it should occur because the trigger condition is a cost being paid, but then the gaining of credits is conditional upon the kind of effect associated with that cost being carried out.

    Does it happen at the end of the initiation phase of a run, if one is being made? Does it happen at the end of the run instead?

    Supppose a run isn't being initiated. Instead, the Runner clicks to play Forged Activation Orders. Does the Corp player get those two credits as soon as the Forged Activation Orders is placed on the table, or does the event resolve before the credits are gained?

    The credits are gained when the Runner spends a click to initiate an action that does not make a run. So you would get the credits before the Forged Activation Orders resolves.
  3. Sundew v. Cyber Threat Ruling
    Suppose there is a rezzed Sundew in a remote server and the Runner plays Cyber Threat targeting that server. Does the Corp decide whether or not to rez the ICE before Sundew triggers? Put another way, what does "just initiated" on Sundew mean timing wise?
    The credits are gained when the Runner spends the click to play the Cyber Threat, before the Cyber Threat is resolved.