Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki
These rulings were made official in FAQ 1.5. See Clarifications for Tennin Institute and Clarifications for Trick of Light.

A series of questions regarding on which cards Tennin Institute can place advancement tokens and which of those cards can have those tokens moved off of them with Trick of Light.

Tennin Institute can place advancement tokens on identities and installed Runner cards. Trick of Light can only be used to move advancement tokens from an installed card to an installed card that can be advanced.

Captain Frisk's Question[1]

Can Tennin Institute put advancement counters on itself?


Tybb-sly Tennin Institute can place advancement tokens on itself, or even Runner cards.

DrTall's Question[2]

Tennin Institute says to place an advancement token on "a card" without addition restrictions on the card's properties. Are the following plays legal?

1a. Use Tennin Institute to put an advancement on the Runner's installed Desperado. (my guess is "legal")

1b. Trick of Light advancements off of the installed Desperado. (my guess is "legal")

2a. Use Tennin Institute to put an advancement on itself. (my guess is "legal")

2b. Trick of Light advancements off of Tennin Institute. (my guess is "illegal, identities are not installed")

3a. Use Tennin Institute to put an advancement on a piece of ICE in the Archives. (I have no idea)

3b. Use Commercialization on the ICE in the Archives. (my guess is "legal")


Tybb-sly 1a. Legal.

1b. Legal.

2a. Legal.

2b. Illegal. You are correct that identities are not installed, so Trick of Light cannot affect them.

3a. Illegal. Cards that are in an uninstalled, inactive state cannot host tokens or counters.

3b. Irrelevant.

Captain Frisk's Second Question[3]

If i put advancement counters on my opponents console, can i trick off them? Trick of Light doesn't explicitly state that the first target must be installed. If "another" indicates that it also needs to be installed, shouldn't also require the first card to be advanceable (and then you couldn't use your popup window as a ToL battery)?


Tybb-sly The "another" on Trick of Light refers only to the fact that the other card must be installed. It cannot be used to move tokens from the Tennin Institute.


It could be extrapolated from these rulings that it is easier to think of Tennin Institute's ability by what it cannot place advancement tokens on. It cannot put advancement tokens on inactive or uninstalled cards.

Although there are no other relevant examples of cards using "another" in their text, it could be inferred from this ruling that "another" implies shared conditions between two listed things.

