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See also the List of cards in The Universe of Tomorrow and The Universe of Tomorrow category

The Universe of Tomorrow is the sixth and last Data Pack in the SanSan cycle. Notably, it contains the two identities voted on by players during the Plugged-in Tour and the Chronos Protocol Tour: Laramy Fisk and Chronos Protocol.


The Universe of Tomorrow Announcement article was posted on April 13, 2015[1]. The pack centers around the "Universe of Tomorrow Expo", an event where Corporations show off their latest developments.

Set # Name Faction Type
101 Power to the People Anarch Event
102 Surfer Anarch Program
103 DDoS Anarch Resource
104 Laramy Fisk, Savvy Investor Criminal Identity
105 Fisk Investment Seminar Criminal Event
106 Bookmark Shaper Hardware
107 DaVinci Shaper Program
108 Wireless Net Pavilion Neutral Resource
109 Cybernetics Court Haas-Bioroid Asset
110 Team Sponsorship Haas-Bioroid Asset
111 Chronos Protocol, Selective Mindmapping Jinteki Identity
112 Ancestral Imager Jinteki Agenda
113 Genetics Pavilion Jinteki Asset
114 Franchise City NBN Asset
115 Product Placement NBN Upgrade
116 Worlds Plaza Weyland Consortium Asset
117 Public Support Weyland Consortium Asset
118 Tour Guide Weyland Consortium Ice
119 Expo Grid Weyland Consortium Upgrade
120 The Future is Now Neutral Agenda
Flavor Insert
Hello, and welcome to the Universe of Tomorrow!

I'm Allen the N-sider and I'll be your guide to the FUUUUTURE! Aren't you excited?

All right! Let's get started.

The Cybernetics Building is where Haas-Bioroid and our other sponsors are showcasing the future of human enhancement. Check out the Runway for some of the hot new chrome fashions, or see the future of organ-replacement prosthetics at Rossum Hall.

Visit the eMuse Arts and Entertainment Hall to see next season's hottest media today! You can even stop by the Blast from the Past booth to check out 2D entertainment of yesteryear.

Here we have Worlds Plaza! There is a magnificent holosculpture in the center, by renowned Martian artist Zhang Yi FLower! It depicts the three inhabited worlds in your solar system - that you know of! Haha. That's my little joke.

This is the amazing Genetics Pavilion, brought to you by the Jinteki Corporation. Jinteki: When you need the human touch. The genegineers of tomorrow are building a whole new you right now in the Valley and around the world. Why not stop by the Ancestry Analyzer and see where your genmoe was two, five, or twenty generations ago? You might be a candidate for complimentary gene therapy!

